Brokers Who Care are pleased to announce that we will be sending a cheque in the amount of $10,000 to Weston, Bennett & Family, our Western Recipient of the 4th Quarter 2022.
Thank you to Sasha Idema for bringing this Cause to our attention.
Nomination Story:
On April 13th, 2022 one Mike & Alisha's twins, Weston was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (A.L.L.) This news turned their world upside down. While Alisha (part-time paramedic) was unable to work to remain at Weston's side, Mike returned to his job after a few days to ensure some financial income for the family. Once Weston began his treatments as an outpatient, they were required to commute from their home in Langley to BC Children's Hospital 1-3 times a week. Since then, he has undergone multiple rounds of chemotherapy, lumbar punctures, bone marrow biopsies, blood and platelet transfusions and endless amounts of medications to help his little body fight off the cancer that had taken over.
At the time of Weston's diagnosis, Alisha and Mike were told that because Bennett is his identical twin and they share the same DNA, there was a 20% chance that he too may also develop leukemia. Therefore, he would need to be monitored and tested regularly for the rest of his life.
Merely four months later, on August 15th, 2022 the incomprehensible circumstance happened, and Bennett was also diagnosed with the same Leukemia. Once again, their world turned upside down, and the unfathomable reality hit that Mike and Alisha would now have to support and adjust to having two children battling leukemia at the same time.
With the unpredictable nature of this illness, there is no clear path for either of the boys. And although everyone remains hopeful, they recognize the boys will be undergoing treatments that may last years. They currently have an excellent team of doctors, nurses and specialists working with them at BC Children's Hospital (BCCH). They have even had new protocols created at the hospital to deal with having identical twins being treated simultaneously.
The struggle has continued since the last update, and the situation is even more serious now.
Weston has still been unable to fight off the adenovirus (common cold), which both boys caught over a month ago. Despite all efforts from the medical team with antiviral meds and previous procedures nothing has helped him get it under control. The virus has now taken over his whole body and has begun attacking his gallbladder and liver. With his body struggling 24-7, he is only able to stay awake a couple hours a day and has not been able to eat for weeks. He recently had an NG tube (aka feeding tube) placed in his nose down to his stomach so they can get more nutrients, mediation and food into him. His viral load is astronomically high and his team has decided to try something not been done before as an effort to find a way to help Weston get through this.
Because Bennett was able to fight off the same virus weeks back, and he has the exact same DNA as Weston, they are looking at doing a stem cell transplant from Bennett to Weston. This is in hopes that Bennett’s cells still remember how to fight this virus and can help Weston's cells do the same. This is unprecedented as both boys have had to stop their cancer treatment to try and get this virus under control before going back and continuing on with their chemotherapy. It is a very complicated situation and uncharted territories for everyone.
Alisha has been spending so much time at the hospital, they are in need of a full time nanny to care for their older son Jackson, who is 6. And Dad is working full time to keep the family afloat.
The money raised will go directly to the Openshaw family to help with out-of-pocket medical expenses, in-home medical care, gas for their endless commutes from Langley to BCCH, additional childcare for their older son and help with day-to-day activities and tasks. This will allow Alisha and Mike to focus all their energy and time on supporting their twins in their battle and ensuring their oldest son is supported throughout this journey as well.
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