100Brokers Members voted and we’re very pleased to announce that we will be sending a cheque in the amount of $2,000 to Todd Pachauer & Family, Recipient of the 1st Quarter vote of 2020.
Julie Anne Pachauer was born March 31,1977 and passed away April 24, 2019. She is survived by her husband Todd Pachauer and 3 young sons, Walton, Newton and Edison ( 7, 5 and 3). Her unwavering grace & Todd’s amazing dedication to her helped them to cope with the terminal diagnosis that she received, which was ALS.
Thank you to Lana Russell for bringing this Cause to our attention.
Nomination Story
Julie Anne Pachauer was born March 31,1977 and passed away April 24, 2019. She is survived by her husband Todd Pachauer and 3 young sons, Walton, Newton and Edison ( 7, 5 and 3). Julie was a talented artist who worked in the movie industry creating 3D props for films. Her name is in the credits for Cabin In The Woods (Horror movie) and many TV series. Her attention to detail was outstanding.
Her unwavering grace & Todd’s amazing dedication to her helped them to cope with the terminal diagnosis that she received, which was ALS. Todd had to close his successful jewelry store to stay at home and look after Julie as well as care of their 3 growing boys.
Todd’s parents have since moved into the family home to help out with the boys and to give Todd some relief.
Please see Julie’s obituary.
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