100Brokers members voted and we are very pleased to announce that we will be sending a cheque in the amount of $6,000 to The Gann Family. Kelly Gann was in a serious work accident resulting in a life changing situation for Kelly and his family.
Their Nomination Story: The Gann family is going through a very trying and life altering time right now. Kelly was in a serious accident while at work on Wednesday April 26th that had him airlifted to Royal Columbian Hospital in critical condition. The Surgeons did everything they could to salvage his arm but the final decision had to be made and they had to amputate it just above the elbow. This has left the family struggling to process how their life is going to change going forward. We have had an overwhelming amount of people wanting to support Kelly & Tanya and their 2 boys John and Brady any way that they can. Friends and family looked into a “Go Fund Me” page but after discovering that they keep roughly 8-10% of the donations I was hoping that “100 Brokers Who Care” could help. We are wanting to help with some financial burdens they have incurred. All of our hearts ache for this family during this time and anyway you can help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks to Luisa Hough who nominated Kelly and his family, and thanks to everyone who nominated a cause this quarter. There were many great options to choose from!
As 100Brokers has now supported four causes, we will be looking for new members come October 2017, stay tuned for what we have in store. If you’d like to help us organize 100Brokers, or have any comments or suggestions, feel free to contact any of us anytime!
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