100Brokers Members voted and we’re very pleased to announce that we will be sending a cheque in the amount of $1,500 to Team Ella, our Recipient for the 2nd Quarter vote of 2019.
Ella was diagnosed with Leukemia on Thanksgiving Day when she was 2, it was heartbreaking then and still is. The financial burden on parents Alyssa & Dustin during this time has been vast. They were told this is curable but they need to stay on a strict plan. One wrong illness could cost Ella her life. Due to Ella having no immune system they have to live in a bubble which means Alyssa cannot work and stays at home as Ella’s primary care giver.
Nomination Story:
3 year old Ella was diagnosed with Leukemia on Thanksgiving Day. The financial burden on her parents Alyssa Mucha and Dustin Mucha during this time has been vast. Alyssa is a Care Aid and usually works in a nursing home, due to Ella having no immune system they have to live in a bubble. Ella is in and out of Children’s hospital for Chemo as well as fever watch when she is showing signs of a sickness. Her mother Alyssa is her primary care giver and her ‘EI’ will stop in September leaving her with virtually no income.
When Ella was first diagnosed she was 2, it was heartbreaking and still is. They were told this is curable but they need to stay on a strict plan and 1 wrong illness could cost Ella her life. For this reason Alyssa cannot work and stays at home with Ella. They were told it wold cost 30k to 60k by the time she would beat it, they never believed that and thought that sounded like a lot but they are not even a year in and have already surpassed 30k in debt. They have a go fund me going which they planned on using to take Ella to Disneyland when she was better but they have had to use all of that on gas, car maintenance, and mortgage payments due to Alyssa making bare minimum. She now faces the challenge that she will be cut off of her EI and she cannot risk having someone else come into the home to take care of Ella as one simple cough could be detrimental.
If she were to receive a 10k donation that would cover her loss of EI through at least 7 months and get them to the year and a half point. She was told that she is to be on Chemo for 2.5 years total. Ella is the sweetest little girl and having her mom take care of her is literally the BEST case scenario to give her the greatest chance to beat this.
In the little spare time Alyssa has she is constantly educating and trying to raise money for Children’s Cancer Research as the drugs were never designed for kids to beat it. On top of the stress of a sick child she is trying to help other sick children as well. She uses the time spent at home to the fullest. She even puts craft baskets together to give to the kids who are on the oncology ward fighting for their life to make their day a little bit better. Her effort is endless.
Thank you to Jessica Labonte for bringing this Cause to our attention.
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