100Brokers members voted and we’re very pleased to announce that we will be sending a cheque in the amount of $10,000 to Sage & Lynne-Anne Graham.
“This Changes our lives. My daughter (Sage) has had to fight cancer three times in 3.5 Years and being a sole parent and full time care-giver, I haven’t been able to work and meet all our financial needs. It has been extremely tight and I haven’t been able to look after simple things, like new car tires, or saying “yes” if sage wants take-out at times. This gift enables me to not worry so much so I can focus on Sage and getting her through. this gift truly makes our lives so much better! From my heart, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Lynne-Anne and Sage. (Sage was too shy to take a photo so we have a photo of her at her best!)”
Nomination Story: Sage is a 7-year old, determined little girl that has endured more in the last three years than anyone should in a lifetime. When she was four, Sage was diagnosed with stage 3, FH Wilms Kidney Cancer. It took over her left kidney, grew up her IVC (main artery) and was inside her heart. Sage has endured multiple life threatening surgeries, including open heart surgery, radiation, proton therapy, chemo and much more. She is currently undergoing her third round of chemo as another spot has been found. She is such a brave, beautiful, strong girl that still maintains a positive outlook on life regardless of the hard knocks she has been given.
Lynn-Anne is a hero. She is a single mom who has been with Sage every step of the way through this journey. Lynn-Anne is an advocate for Childhood Cancer. She has not been able to work because of the time and care needed for Sage, spending weeks at a time in the hospital.
Lynn-Anne and Sage are a dynamic duo that have somehow maintained a balanced perspective on life with passion and a continued zest for life.
Thanks to Shelley Rosner who nominated Sage & Lynne-Anne, and thanks to everyone who nominated a Cause this Quarter. There were many great options to choose from.
We will be supporting our next cause in September 2018.
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