Brokers Who Care voted and we are pleased to announce that we will be sending a cheque in the amount of $10,000 to Lisa and her daughter, our Western Recipient of the 2nd Quarter 2023 vote.
Thank you Colin Dreyer for bringing this cause to our attention
The Nomination Story:
Having experienced the trauma of the Ft. McMurray Wildfires in May of 2016 – it was only a few short months later that Lisa was diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma, breast cancer in her left breast at age 36. She underwent aggressive treatment and received a double mastectomy in hopes she would have a healthy future and be here for Phoenix.
She indeed was a warrior and fought hard through the myriad of both side and after-effects from the chemo and radiation, always with a determined yet positive attitude. Phoenix was just 6 years old having to witness this and be by her mother’s side during this courageous battle.
Her Pathology was good. Prognosis was good, as were all the follow-up regimes. We celebrated her 5 year "No Evidence of Disease" milestone in April 2022. How proud we were of what she endured, battled, and overcame!
Sadly, this was not to remain. This past February she learned the cancer had returned by metastasis during an unrelated routine ultrasound. Not only has this vicious disease returned, but it has now spread to multiple locations throughout her body.
It’s now in her liver and several areas of her bones. After many tests, scans, and medical appointments we have learned the prognosis and it was not one she wanted to hear. No one is ever prepared to hear their time on this earth will be short lived. Nor is she willing to accept it.
Lisa is 43 years old, a single mother to a 13-year-old daughter who needs her. She has a whole lot of life left to live. She will not surrender, it’s not her time.
Although devastated by this news, she had her moment and has now picked herself up, dusted herself off and ready to stand tall and face this monster head on. She's just as determined to fight once again.
"Not my first rodeo" she says, "the horse is just a little angry right now!" this is her journey, she’s in the driver seat and she’s taken the wheel.
She is currently undergoing chemotherapy which is preventing her from working and is once again suffering from side effects of treatment. Recently being hospitalized for complications of treatment, and vitamin depletion. She will be off work indefinitely. Date indeterminate.
We are organizing this fundraiser primarily to ease the burden of her financial obligations while having a greatly reduced income on disability, to cover extra medical expenses, treatments and to create experiences as time is so precious.
Since her previous battle created financial hardship, we don't want her to have to worry about her finances. We want to lessen her stressors so she can focus on her fight and healing.
Lisa has planned to attack this disease from all angles possible, she's also elected to include an alternative treatment, one that has proven cases of success, one that will hopefully extend her life, but one that is not covered by a medical program and is costly. We want her to be another success story.
Lisa’s wish is to see her daughter graduate. She will change the want to she will see her graduate!
With a positive mindset, hope, willpower, strength, love and support she will do this!
What we are graciously asking for is time!! Time to create memories, time for experiences, more time with her daughter and loved ones and more time earth side. We want to alleviate any financial pressures due to medical costs, travel for treatments and give opportunities for her and her daughter to create memories.
Lastly if Lisa, I, or anyone in our family have touched your lives in any way, this is where we humbly ask if you could please touch ours. We need your positive thoughts, strength, love, prayers, and support right now. Your generosity and kindness are so appreciated during this difficult time and mean the world to us.
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