Brokers Who Care voted and we are pleased to announce that we will be sending a cheque in the amount of $500 to Aislyn & Family, our Western Recipient of the 4th Quarter 2022 vote.
Thank you to Andy Saran for bringing this Cause to our attention.
Nomination Story:
Hi, my name is Michelle, and I'm proposing this application for my goddaughter Aislyn who is 1.5 years old and has been diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer (Clear Cell Sarcoma).
Aislyn has been brave and already survived her intensive surgery, and she is now going into a 10-12 month battle with advanced chemotherapy and radiation. She will require weekly chemotherapy treatment and often be required to stay in the hospital for 3-5 days post-treatment due to the intense therapy she will receive.
Aislyn is afraid and in pain and needs her mom (Vanessa) and her dad (Patrick) with her at BC Children's Hospital.
Firstly, I ask everyone to pray for Aislyn Raven Mercado for help and health. Secondly, this proposal is to help support the parents with fixed living costs so they can take time away from work to be with their daughter while she fights for her life.
Aislyn is such a sweet and intelligent little girl who brings joy into the lives of everyone she meets.
Update: Aislyn is about to complete her three-month mark of chemotherapy and next week we will see an update on progress with a body scan and further blood work/testing. The doctors will be able to solidify prognosis and continued treatment plans with these results. The current treatment plan is another 7-9 months of chemotherapy and then treatment and testing will be quarterly until graduated from high school. The family is holding up as best can be, however it’s day by day and the uncertainty weighs heavily.
Aislyn needs her mom with her while going through treatment and staying at BC Children's Hospital. Her mom is a teacher and has just finished maternity leave and thereby is not eligible for compassionate leave or EI. These funds would be used to offset the EI her mom will not be receiving to take care of her daughter through chemotherapy treatment.
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