Chantal Juteau

Additional Story Information

2nd Quarter 2022 Nomination by Rosa Bovino

Hi Rosa,


It was a pleasure speaking with you, I have enclosed the letter that was on the give send go page. However, some things were left out.

She met her X – they worked for the same company. She was involved with someone else at the time, he manipulated her enough to convince her to leave her partner for him. They moved in together, her life was just starting. I at the time was living in NS, so was unable to visit as often as I liked. As the years went by, I noticed a change, she was not her typical self. She became reserved, was always worrying. She had to make sure house was clean, dinner was done etc. She became pregnant with Bryden who is now 8. I was finally able to visit once he was born. From what I witnessed while visiting, really concerned me. The way he spoke to her, the things he mumbled under his breath etc. I new he was using verbal abuse, as well as mental abuse. There was nothing I could do. I talked, said its not normal etc. While she was pregnant with Olivia, now 6, we were still in NS, They purchased their first home, his father gifted them 80,000 to put a down payment, I said to her make sure you are on title, she said she was and her ex produced a pink paper from Land Titles, and I clearly seen her name there I assumed it was ok. We our business and decided for a change. We moved back to Alberta, we stayed with Chantal and her ex for 6 months, that’s where I witnessed the verbal abuse, always calling her fat, so she lost weight and a lot, once she did he complained about the way she dressed, accusing her of cheating etc. I can go on and on. The list does not end. When they separated, I think she would still be there, if we had not moved back to Alberta.


She worked full time, when she had her car accident, he complained about loss of income to make her go back to work when she should not have. She supported him when he went back to school, she contributed to household expenses etc. However they were not married at the time. They only married in 2018. So now she had courage to leave, because she could move home.


Fast forward, he would not let her grab their special file box, important docs etc. Court comes around for assets. Land titles are produced, her name is no where to be found. Bank docs are produced etc. He always told her he makes 2500 – 3000 every 2 weeks clean, as they had separate accounts, and 1 household account. We see on his statements 4000-7000 payments every 2 weeks etc. A lot of cash withdrawals etc. Gambling sites and so forth So all this time, she was contributing, and lost everything because his dad produced a personal loan agreement. So he knew what he was doing. He was lying to her all along.


He is still not paying child support, and keeps getting it delayed via the courts. Like how can someone do this and get away with it. She is such a good and caring person and does not deserve this. He is such an angry person, outbursts for no reason,he will scream at her in public to shame her,  the kids drop something, he turns blood red, and screams what the hell is wrong with you.


Refuses to allow the children to be vaccinated, even though the doctors recommendation because of her condition,  refuses to let the 8 year old boy to go to counselling, even though he is being affected and is being bullied at school. Like he is still punishing her. She will have to go to the courts direct, and speak to a judge. Its getting out of hand, in order to get anything done.


I can go on and on, But I will stop here.


This was the original letter posted on Give Send Go:


The last thing you want to hear is that your children are sick. Unfortunately, on April 18, 2020, Chantal was first officially diagnosed with Cancer. This day was absolutely horrifying to all of us. About 12 months prior to this Chantal had undergone surgery and we were told very little. We knew it was cancer but on May 1, 2020 we were told it was all removed and we had nothing to worry about. I remember the joy we felt as I shared the news with friends and family. Chantal had her check up 3 months later as well as 6 months later and we were told no regrowth was there but just 12 short months later we were told the growth had returned. 

We did not know the extent of it or how much this would be impacting her life. Chantal had great days and rough days. Her first surgery was horrible - she could hardly walk some days, she had to adapt to life with a walker. Every day was still a gamble as she had always felt something was not right. She was living in pain already but what had come next, we would have never expected. This news was terrifying. The one thing I knew was I wanted answers. We waited on CT scans, MRI’s, additional Biopsies and in August we were told the cancer had spread to her Pancreas, Lungs and that she had 3 new tumors on her Gluteus Maximus. We had met with Oncologists at the Tom Baker where we were told this was now stage 4 and incurable cancer. I was floored. How do you sit and listen to this news about your own baby? I wondered if this was real, how could this be happening to the kindest soul. They diagnosed Chan with Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma. There is not too much information about this cancer as it's very uncommon; a form of tissue/bone cancer.

Right before Chantal's diagnoses, Chantal had been in a horrible accident; she had been t-boned at an intersection. How she survived was a miracle. This was how they found the initial tumor. They had done several scans and during a later ultrasound where she was showed a large tumor that had been missed in her scans at the hospital the night of the accident. Chantal was also going through a rough time in her life with her soon to be ex husband. She was going through a really rough divorce. How was my little girl going through all of this at once?

Chantal started treatments Monday August 23rd. Her regime was strong, they wanted to do everything to help her in order to extend her time. The goal was to decrease the size of the tumors or have them slow the growth. The cycles were 7-8 hour days on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and then she would have two and a half weeks to rest. We were preparing for it to be tough on her, but we didn't realize how difficult each cycle would be and how each cycle would be even more difficult on her body. At just 30 years old, my daughter was the strongest person I knew; she wouldn't give up. 

Everything happened so quickly - chemo cycle one came and Chantal had to have the conversation with my grandchildren of what was going to happen. We all prepared for her to lose her hair; she was extremely ill, in pain and not able to keep anything in but her children kept her going. Before cycle 2 she began losing her hair and we had to re balance her meds again because this was tougher than she could imagine - even worse than I could imagine. Rashes, horrible vomiting, swelling, exhaustion; we watched our daughter just keep rolling with the punches. My husband and I decided it was time to sell our business to be able to help Chantal as much as we could as soon as possible. After cycle 3 it just got worse, Chantal started having issues with her teeth and mouth. She was exhausted and we had to delay cycle 4. They gave Chantal an extra week to recuperate and we headed to a dentist to see what could be done to help rectify the pain she had been experiencing. She needed lots of dental work as the chemo and the meds she was on had absolutely destroyed her teeth. Half way through Chantal was exhausted but the results of the CT showed that the tumors were shrinking. POSITIVE NEWS - FINALLY and no new growths. 

I was so darn proud of my daughter; as hard as each cycle was getting chantal remained positive. She did what she could with the children, she was exhausted, sick and absolutely over having to go through chemo but she was just waiting to be done and over with chemo. Cycle 4, cycle 5, cycle 6 all came and went. We looked forward to ringing that bell! December 15th 2021 Chantal got there. I went with her for her last day of chemo and as she rang that bell there was so much joy and excitement. She did it. Her strength and willingness to persevere got her here today. I was so proud of my girl and still aml. She got through 18 visits, 7 hour treatments. That was 126 hours of Chemo! Boy was she ever exhausted. Christmas was just around the corner, Chantal's favorite holiday; mine too. This is the day of the year we love spoiling our loved ones. 

On January 10th we met with Chantal's Oncologist who was super happy with the results. Chantal still has Cancer, we are taking a 3 month break to let her body recover. We now await April 2nd when she will have another CT scan and based on these results we will see what we will be doing going forward. Since 2020, Chantal has not received financial support from her children’s father. As her road to recovery continues, just 3 days ago Manulife notified her that her benefits are maxed for the year and she is permanently disabled. Where are we at today - Chantal is a wonderful mother to my beautiful grandchildren; these children are her world. As I watch my daughter go through this all, it breaks my heart seeing someone so full of life with this disease. With that said, Chantal still has so much light in her life she is not letting this overtake her. She continues to be an active mother and daughter, she wants to make the most of everyday. Chantal lives everyday for her children. No matter what she gets out of bed to spend time with them. This is what her life is about. What awaits us is the unknown. What we do know is that Chantal has had the most amount of chemo she can in her lifetime. Each day is literally a gift for us all and we want to spend each day living it to the fullest with Chantal because she deserves everything and more. Any donations we receive will be used for treatment, medications and towards her betterment.

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